Month: September 2023

  • Business Model Canvas (With Example)

    Business Model Canvas (BMC): why is it essential to the startups? The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that provides a visual framework for developing, describing, and analyzing a business model. Business model canvas is an important tool during the product discovery phase. As depicted in the hand drawing below, we test our…

  • Do we need managers in an Agile Organisation?

    Agile Organisations adopt the Scrum framework for developing innovative products and services. According to the Scrum guide, the Scrum framework has just 3 roles. With most organisations undergoing an Agile transformation, are we saying that traditional management roles like project, program and functional managers are obsolete or no longer needed? I would say ‘NO’; managers…

  • Demystifying OKRs

    Brief Overview: Objectives and Key Results, commonly known as OKRs, are a powerful goal-setting framework leveraged by businesses and individuals to achieve desired outcomes. The OKR methodology entails establishing specific and measurable objectives and defining key results that will contribute towards accomplishing those objectives. By dividing large objectives into smaller, achievable steps, OKRs assist individuals…

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